Why has very little been reported, regarding this protest by the English Defence League?
When a Radio presenter was asked why this was, he said perhaps it was because it was a Bank holiday, making it a slow news day???????
What has been reported has been slanted against the EDL, although apparently there was a large presence of Far Left & Asian thugs, aiming to inflict injury on the protesters and police.
A report taken from English Defence League's website.
/// Gangs of Muslims are roaming the streets with knives. We have had a lot of feedback from supporters in Dudley, and all are saying the same things, the police are letting this happen. Muslims are being allowed to walk around unchallenged with weapons. Knives, bricks, you name it. What is going on in this Country? There are hundreds of police there, but none seem to be doing anything about them. I will take this back if there are reports that hundreds of Muslims have been arrested for carrying weapons tomorrow, but i wont be holding my breath.///