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Is 15 hours long enough to vote?

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R1Geezer | 22:48 Thu 06th May 2010 | News
30 Answers
Perlease, it's open from 7 to 10 and they turn up too late? Sorry if you are that thick you don't deserve a vote! Kin clueless, you couldn't make it up!


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I believe some people actually work during the day, while others are busy posting on websites.
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me too but not from 7am til 10pm. Try again!
Surely they can't all have just finished work? From the telly, looked like a lot of them were students - the yoof of today
Agree, most people finish work at about 5, giving them 5 hours to get to the polling station, and most people start at 8-9 giving them 1-2 hours before they start work.

It was just announced that one polling station ran out of ballot papersa and one stayed open 10 mins after 10pm .

They didn't turn up late, they left plenty of time. But there were queues up to three hours long. This hasn't happened before, which is perhaps why electoral officials failed to prepare for it; but I don't see why would-be voters should be punished for the officials' lack of foresight.

More postal voting is the answer.
I can see the logic of closing at 10pm, who wants the drunks to give an "informed " vote. Its widely known that booths close at 10pm. Why didn't they go earlier?
Didn't a gazillion students turn up without their voting cards or something (typical), causing a hold up in the lines. I'd have announced in my megaphone "If you haven't got a polling card please s*d off"
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right jno so we are now going with the queue to explain this rather than the 15 hour working day! LMAO, tell you what, agreeing is allowed you know! WAT! Have you ever considered a career in politics? You certainly have the smarm level!
I was going to say that Lardy....It's just been mentioned on the BBC.
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There could be a number of reasons.
so if you turned up three hours before a shop closed, to find they were too busy to serve you even if you were prepared to queue for hours, you'd just shrug your shoulders and say 'Oh, my fault then, I'm clueless'?
Why shouldn't people leave it til later on in the day to vote if they so choose? As you say Lucy, it should only take 5 minutes, so if you went at say 8.30, you wouldn't expect to find youself still in a queue as the deadline approaches.
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If I cared I'd be there when they openned. There are literally thousands of polling stations, I'd bet a pound to one of you brain cells that at 7am it was like the marie celeste. they all went to the pub got pi55ed and turned up at 21:45.
quite right, slinkycat. Open till 10 means open till 10. If they weren't going to let anyone in who arrived after 7 they should have said so. (Though as I said, it's not happened before, so they couldn't have guesed.) Not the fault of the voting public.
In Nick Clegg's Constituency, there was a large queue at 6pm. People returned at 7pm and 8pm and the queues hadn't gone down. When people joined the queue at 9pm, they failed to make it into the polling station.

In other constituencies, they ran out of voting papers.

A terrible cock-up by officials not the public to blame.
I really dont think they turned up 3 hours before jno. If you have a cut off time that ha s to be stuck with. Elections have to have time frames. people maybe need to be more disciplined.
R1 is just being a tw,at.....

A rude one as well....

My BF leaves for work at 5.30am....what was he suppose to do?
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so he's back home when? derrrrrrrrr
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so does your husband do 17 hour days then ummmm?

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