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Once again they get their way.

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anotheoldgit | 17:38 Fri 18th Jun 2010 | News
20 Answers

Cameras were set up so police and MI5 could monitor suspected Islamic extremists.for anti-terrorism purposes, but those that seem to get their way, complained so the The £3million operation was scrapped.

Do you think that if the motorists complain about the speed cameras, they will take them all down also?


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AOG - Why dont you start a petition - we will all sign up
if theyve got nothing to hise they shouldnt be afraid of being monitored...
Think you'll find we had this one only yesterday:

AOG, totally agree with what you say but you will not win on here, most people have their heads so far stuck up their arses and that is why this country is f+cked
It looks to me as if you've fallen for the terrorist 'hype' hook line and sinker.
I am skeptical - AFAIC there is a minimal 'terrorist threat'.
From my observation, virtually every decade has its favourite 'keep the population healthily nervous' tactic and this is the current one. Though I have to admit most people (thankfully) seem to be going "ok folks, show's over" now.
..ah the dear old Express - the paper that preys on the bitter and quick-to-judge, deliberately making anger invoking headlines, then sitting back nodding with its arms folded.
Sorry aog - with respect - there is no terrorist threat IMO, at least not to the degree that you seem to have been manipulated into believing.
^^^^^^Classic example
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Thursdays thread and this one, both accurately summed up in two lines at 23:56.
Well said ELVIS68. Totally agree.
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LOL what's that supposed to mean Elvis ? Are you some sort of wannabe dictator ?
I think *you* and similar have *your* heads up *your* arses, let's just agree to disagree shall we - you think this, I think that -end of.
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/// Sorry aog - with respect - there is no terrorist threat IMO, at least not to the degree that you seem to have been manipulated into believing. ///

How on earth do you know this?

We are periodically informed by the people who know, that a terrorist attack is at a certain level of being raised from "substantial" to "severe", for example.

Are you suggesting that we ignore these warnings?

Perhaps you would also ignore any other warning issued by some experts, for the benefit of your safety.

Who do you choose to believe Answerprancer?
they'll get you when you least expect it!
"Are you suggesting that we ignore these warnings?"

That was directed at someone else who can answer for themselves, but for myself I'll happily say yes, I'm ignoring them - at least, in the sense that I'm not going to change anything I do or let it affect my life. When you do, the terrorists have won. With every person who is unnecessarily spied on, or detained for taking photos of St Paul's Cathedral, or prevented from going somewhere because it's now barriered off, etc etc the terrorists win, because their ultimate aim is to disrupt the society they're attacking and create fear. In this respect the authorities have done a fine job of helping the terrorists achieve their goals.
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So if your family got killed or injured due to terrorist activities, and the security forces had previously known about the terrorist actions, but had failed to issue a warning, I think you would be the first to complain.
Answerprancer ^^ 'there is no terrorist threat IMO'

I'm sure people thought that before the 7/7 attacks too


If you want to make any other statements of the obvious, perhaps you'd care to link them in some way to what I said, which your last comment isn't, despite your lame attempt at a distorting over-simplification (which I realise is your standard approach)
re; "We are periodically informed by the people who know".

What people?
How do they "know"?

Sorry, but to accept so-called 'facts' like this is just being a manipulated zombie IMO.

"How on earth do you know this" you say ...I don't, I just refuse to accept suspect information from questionable sources.

Who do I choose to believe? Well, I wouldn't believe any questionable information unless I'd seen it in action for myself.
You sited the "7/7" attacks as conclusive proof, that was a one-off rare incident and the nature of it was questionable IMO, have there been anby other similar incidents since?

Naah, sorry - hype.
...excuse me, joeluke sited the "7/7" attacks as conclusive proof and I assumed you agree with this (sorry to have generalised).
Hy don't we get Muslim drivers to complain ABout speed cameras!

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Once again they get their way.

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