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Banning the Burka would be rather un-British?

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anotheoldgit | 11:26 Sun 18th Jul 2010 | News
43 Answers

At last the immigration minister has finally spoken out to say "the banning of the Burka would be rather un-British”

Excuse me isn't the wearing of the Burka 'RATHER UN-BRITISH'

/// Farooq Murad the new head of the Muslim Council of Britain (pointed to the spread of mosques and sharia, or Islamic law, as positive signs of the greater freedom Muslims are given in this country.///

/// He warned that any moves to restrict the expression of Islam by banning the veil or blocking the building of minarets would alienate the Muslim community and threaten social cohesion. ///

Once again we have been warned by the Muslims.

Only last week a witness took the stand at Southwark Crown Court, dressed in this garb with only her eyes showing, how can this be allowed?


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Yawn, to force someone to wear it is wrong such relationships would be much better dealt with by out reach workers.
We're a secular country (governmentally) that means that we don't impose our religious or non-religious views on our subjects.
This is a change from that stance.
I'll ask again, would you obey a law that goes against your conscience?
I'll ask again, 123everton, are you advocating that we should pick and choose which laws we want to obey?
May I ask all those who defend the right to wear what you like a simple question :
If someone sits/stands next to you wearing a mask, a veil, a hood and is otherwise deliberatly concealing their identity so you can't even see if it a man or women . Do you feel at ease and safe ? If so, chose a suitable epitaph. You may shortly need one.
///Kettering MP [Philip Hollobone] declared in this morning's Independent that he would refuse surgery time to such a woman if she refuses to remove her veil. He says that this is because since "I could not see her [face], I am not able to satisfy myself she is who she says she is".///


They go on to say:

/// There's a fine line between starting a legitimate debate and stimulating - no doubt unwittingly, in this case - a media circus, with unknown consequences. ///

I wonder if Philip Hollobone asks for ID from everyone who comes in to satisfy his knowledge that "they say who they say they are".

I think it is disgusting what he is saying

most of Hollibone's visitors probably have the flexibility and sensitivity to allow him to see their faces when they are talking to him as is our cultural norm (and indeed is the cultural norm for arab men!).

I respect arab cultural norms when in an arab country; I see lots of muslim women in Malaysia interacting with others without concealment - what's wrong with these people?

Perhaps Mr Hollibone and all his staff should put on ski masks and bio-hazard suits whenever a veiled person visits them?
Bad laws should be challenged, if you disagree with a law because of your conscience then you have every right to defy it, and face the consequences in order to demonstrate the injustice of it.
That's how I feel.
So I'll ask again, do you wish to create prisoners of conscience in this country?
Modeller, I've seen many women veiled women in my lifetime all of whom were unmistakeably women, I don't feel threatened or intimidated by them, no more do I fear that a Muslim carrying a rucksack is going to blow up the bus or that I should pull my niece closer to me in case some Muslim tries to have his wicked way with her.
I couldn't function with such paranoia.
There's a difference between challenging a law and refusing to follow one. By all means protest, but if people only obey those laws that they want to then we would literally have anarchy. What, indeed would be the point of having laws?
Incidentally AOG, where is this poll that shows that 67% of the British public want to ban the burka? Nobody has asked me, nobody has asked anyone else who I know about this. The 67% might have been taken from a very small sample.
what a load of ***- why should a woman not wear what she wants as long as it is not too revealing . you get teenage girls dressed up as prostitutes parading their wares up and down the high street whilst waiting for the school bus and no-one bats an eyelid. yet a woman chooses to wear her traditional dress and the bigots have a field day.
i think it has nothing to do with the burka its just an excuse to go p*k* bashing.
and what about all the scotsmen wearing skirts - should be banned.
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sorry birdie i should have put p*k* in inverted commas as i was using a all encompassing general term to describe the mindset of the bigots i was targetting, i hope you get what i mean. and these women are not forced to wear it cos they aint complaining.
why does it annoy anyone who isn't wearing it. surely its a case of mind your own buisness
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What does banning it achieve? The freeing of oppressed women? And how does it free them? If they are, in fact, forced to wear it, will they not be just as oppressed by their men when wearing it becomes illegal? The problem is the oppression, not one symbol of such oppression.If any woman is not oppressed but wears it freely, as a symbol;as she sees it, of her faith, the banning of it only serves to deny her her right to dress as her conscience demands.
What next? Shall we ban strictly orthodox Jewesses from shaving their heads and wearing wigs as their faith demands? Or are they not conspicuous enough to merit the attention of the media ?
123everton # I've seen many women veiled women in my lifetime all of whom were unmistakeably women, I don't feel threatened or intimidated by them, no more do I fear that a Muslim carrying a rucksack is going to blow up the bus #
You have avoided answering my question by only mentioning the veil . Anyone deliberately ,
I stress the word deliberately , hiding their face by any means is suspect whether it's a mask , a hood , a Burka , etc.
# no more do I fear that a Muslim carrying a rucksack is going to blow up the bus #
Really ! Well several of them did !
On the other hand.
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The survey was carried out by YouGov.a pretty reliable source.
Do you know what I'd like to do with you AOG, I'd like to confiscate your Daily Express and ship you off to an impoverished Islamic country and force you to spend at least a year living and getting on with the locals.

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