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Kromovaracun | 13:14 Sun 08th Aug 2010 | News
24 Answers
Hey all,

I don't have a question at all. I just wanted to draw your attention to an interesting article on the Beeb. It relates to the relationship British Muslims have with extremism.



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Well spotted, good to have this flagged up, I heard about it on the radio a couple of days ago.
A well written and balanced piece. Thanks.
P.S Do I still feel threatened by Islam?...............YES.
Let's hope it spreads to the rest eh?
Amen to that Geezer.
I have heard him before and it's a treat to hear the voice of reason. but I also heard Abu Hamza being interviewed and he also sounded very reasonable..
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This was not on the front page of the Daily Mail. Which is odd because they always go for the Muslim clerics. In fact it was no where to be found on their website. Everyone at the DM must at church, what else can be the reason not to report this good dose of common sense.
SupaStar – Criticism of Islam has nothing whatsoever to do with appalling floods in Pakistan. A person can legitimately question the motives and moral teachings of Islam without attacking a single citizen of the Pakistan nation.

Simplistic emotive statements such as yours do nothing but attempt to stifle debate. I notice that you have also left the exact same message on another thread. What's that about? Are you suggesting that everyone on AB should stop discussing and/or criticising Islam because of a natural disaster in a foreign country? If you are, you're making the assumption that everyone affected by the floods are members of the Islamic faith.

This is the religious 'make-up' of Pakistan...

Muslims: 175,376,000
Hindus: 3,200,000
Christians: 2,800,000
Bahá'í Faith: 79,000
Sikhs: 20,000
Zoroastrian/Parsis: 20,000
Buddhism: 20,000
Other (included Animists, Atheists, Jews, etc): unknown

Whilst it's obvious that Islam is the most predominant religion in Pakistan, it is in no way the only religion which kind of make your comment look rather pointless.

With regards to Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri's fatwa on terrorism, I wish him the very best of luck and I hope that many others follow his lead.
Supastar: "Couldn't we all just Live & Let Live for fcuk's sake...???? "

yes love to, but it is not the non muslims who are pledged to exterminate the others. I suggest they stop trying to slay the infidel, I'd have thought that would be step towards "live and let live".

I am surprised at you Mr Google, this is old news, and was reported by your good old Daily Mail on 3rd March 2010
Thanks AOG, I had not forgotten that. Your link refers to the Fatwa that this cleric had issued in March. We discussed it on AB at the time.


Kromovaracun's link is about a Islamic Summer Peace Camp taking place last weekend with 1300 delegates. It was that which I was referring the Mail had not reported.
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They are the most popular subjects, check the postings.
/// The Minhaj-ul-Quran movement said it runs courses in combating religious extremism in educational centres throughout Britain ///

Why should the Daily Mail report solely on the summer camp?

It had already reported on the work of The Minhaj-ul-Quran movement, on the 3rd March.

If you had remembered about this in your snipe at the Daily Mail, you would have accused them of repeating themselves.
SupaStar - “... Muslim, Pakistani, Islam, British Muslims”

You seem to feel compelled to always equate religious beliefs with nationality. Why is that?

I like your quote, “... Fair enough we have our opinions about society, people and culture”. Indeed we do. And just like you, we can express them. If you don't like me and others criticising religion (and you will find, if you bother to look, that I criticise all religions) then why not attempt to defend the religion of your choice with reasoned argument? It's an open forum, so if you think that Islam is beyond reproach or that Christianity is the dog's reproductive glands then state your case.

Until that time comes, I shall continue to criticise all forms of organised religion for reasons that are too numerous to go into in this post.

I shall of course continue to despair at the human cost of the floods in Pakistan and be grateful that I live in a country where we give aid to other nations regardless of their political affiliations and religious beliefs.
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SupaStar -

I gave you verifiable facts and figures that show that Pakistan, whist being a predominantly Muslim country, has literally millions of non-Muslims within its population. Criticism of Islam does not denigrate the people who either chose or who are forced to believe in that particular religion.

Criticising a person's belief system does not equate to a criticism of the person themselves.

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