Anyone hooked on the Court case ? How embarrassing for Carole White to have her staff plaster facebook with blogs of an alleged 'Blood Diamonds' party and have the photos brought up in Court.
I am hooked am getting nothing done for watching it,yes though how stupid were whites employee's for putting stuff like that on facebook.Is it right that the annie wilshire girl just had no privacy setting or would the defence been able to get a hold of those photos another way? Not sure who to believe yet but mia farrow and whites testimony is similar campbells is completely different.the cross examination for the defence was so fierce I would be doubting myself if I was sitting there even if I was telling the 100% truth.
I never said I was hooked on it since it began,I never even knew about it until seeing it on bbc news last week and Im now following it or am I not allowed to?
the bigger tragedy Eddie is that Nelson Mandela entertains such thugs. I vaguely recall Naomi flashing a huge pink diamond ring years ago but can't find any evidence or picture. The diamond was tear-drop shape and seemed better than anything Elizabeth Taylor received.
I often say that you can judge a man by the qualities of his friends and by the nature of his enemies.
If Charles Taylor is a bad person, what's he doing in Nelson Mandela's house during a party?
I've no interest in celebs, I tend to believe Campbell in this though, she got given some big diamonds and then gave them away, noone seems to be focussing on that.