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I've just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday...

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Gromit | 17:45 Mon 23rd Aug 2010 | News
17 Answers
...I'll tell you what, never again."

Has just been voted the funniest joke at this years's Edinburgh Fringe.

Check out the other contenders here:


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Very poor, not one of them made me laugh
you are infringing on the editor's territory

No.8 was reasonably funny,but didn't understand No.10.
No 10 explained.

Some pubs where you order food at the bar give you a large wooden spoon with a number on it which you then display at your table for the waiter/waitress to spot when he/she emerges with your meal.
For everhelpful ..some pubs have spoons with numbers instead of table numbers.
Thanks to you both,never known that before,always been given a Table Number Card.
Tim Vine is a very funny guy.
I thought they were all funny
If only Bernard Manning could come back.
Oh come on AOG! If Ican give you credit its at least that your trolling is usually of a high standard!

'If only Bernard Manning could come back.'

This was just pathetic though!
that sean hughes "joke" was surely crap.
most of the 'worst jokes' were crap, except Phillips and Pascoe, but that's why they're the worst jokes. I rather liked 6, though.
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No 8 joke was the best. The Ed thought so too on his thread.
Tim Vine is one of the comedians most prone to people nicking his material. Various of his jokes get circulated on the internet with no attribution. A couple of years back on this site someone posted a load of old Steven Wright (the deadpan US comedian) jokes with no name-check, and when I simply pointed out they were Wright's jokes the poster got insultingly abusive to me.

I've been to a couple of Vine's shows and he is very funny. One had a ventriloquism routine that me crying with laughter.
The "worst" jokes were actually from the shortlist for the best joke, so they were "the least appreciated of the best", as it were.
is that how it's done, Waldo? The BBC report just says 'worst jokes on the Fringe'. Can't believe the Bec Hill joke got onto a 'best' list of anything anywhere.

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