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Could we have a gay Prime Minister?

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sherminator | 12:38 Wed 01st Sep 2010 | News
39 Answers
Do you think people would let it influence them if an openly gay prime minister was in the running?

how enlightened are we as a people?


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Wouldn't bother me.
well we did have one didn't we about 200 years ago/
Who says we haven't?
Yeah!...why ....or perhaps a gay black Prime Minister.
Well the straight prime ministers haven't helped much, so maybe its time we done something different. I believe that Oona king is slowly rising amongst the ranks, I know she's hetrosexual but if she "came out" we'd have our first Black female lesbian prime minister.
Food for thought.
Edward Heath, anyone ?
Mrjeezy LOL
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or a black gay haemophrodite - that would confuse people.
Edward Heath? There are probably many more throughout history. Does it really matter though? Most people would be better than the Boy David we have now and his friend "little Nicky". Just so long as we NEVER have another Thatcher I don't really care.
salla........"haemophrodite".....that certainly would confuse people.
janbee......this thread is´s fun......get it?
hermaphrodite?...........well Thatcher had more balls than most politicians.
I think we should have a gay, Muslim, one-legged, reformed criminal Prime Minister....with ADHD and Aspergers!
I would vote for a lesbian contortionist who could insert her big toe into her vagina while clog dancing on one leg and singing Ave Maria to the Pope when his visits.
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I was meaning this to be serious!
Its in News not the infantile chatterbank!
If anyone has anything serious to say it would be appreciated!
I was serious in my first answer.
At one point, I could easily imagine someone like Chris Smith (who was pretty well respected during his tenure as Culture Secretary during the Blair years) going on to higher office back in the late 90s.

Yes, I could easily see him or someone with his qualities being elected PM, because his sexuality was irrelevent enough not to 'scare the horses'.

The Edward Heath thing isn't really relevent because even if he were gay, he was certainly not open about it.

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Could we have a gay Prime Minister?

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