Generally that's considered a bad move in the security industry - it's a matter of trust.
Like asking a bank robber to design your safes
That's not to say that it doesn't happen - just that it can be a rather risky strategy.
Anyway back to Stuxnet - the idea that thiswas too clever to have been written by ordinary hackers is a bit of a laugh - I remember being there when we were analysing the Nimda worm - every 5 minutes we seemed to find a new and clever method of infection! There are definately attackers out here smart enough to put this together without the help of a government.
The hackers of yesteryear who were pimply youths that couldn't get a girlfriend have grown up got wives and mortgages and are funding them by writing attacks for cyber criminals often with links to organised crime.
The attack could easilly have been part of an extortion attempt or something like that but it could also have been part of a state sponsored cyber attack. The prevalence of it in the Middle East combined with the nature of the target and current politics is certainly enough to raise eyebrows.
But journalist have short memories - it wouldn't be the first accusation - Russia was accused of attacking Estonia 3 years ago
But it's unlikely to affect most of us - there have been very few infections in the UK and the 2 access vulnerabilities have been patched now.