I have always favoured the 'left' as the section of thinking that does actually care about people who are not where they would like to be in life, and the 'right' have always assume that everyone is like them - work hard, get on, be independent.
The fact is, some people are simply not independent, able to get on, fend for themselves and so on, and as a compassionate society, we look after those pooer and weaker than ourselves.
I do not condone people taking benefits to which they are not entitled, but while succesive governments provide a greater financial reward in benefits than they do for working, that is the system with which we must work.
I do believe however, that simply 'stopping benefits' is not the answer. we have an entire underclass who need education in life skills and how to be able to gain some self-respect and independence.
Simpy gnashing your teeth about how 'unjust' it all is helps no-one.