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Mosque set fire to.

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anotheoldgit | 16:27 Tue 07th Dec 2010 | News
88 Answers

I have just come across this report.

Why is it that The Guardian seems to be the only newspaper reporting on it, is there some form of media blackout on it?

/// "Local neighbourhood police officers are meeting with members of the community to keep them informed and to address their concerns and obvious anger about this criminal incident." ///

Sad thing for anything like this to happen, and I don't condone the actions of these arsonists in any way, but what does annoy me is the fact that the Muslim community get to receive a better service from our police force, than white communities do.


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^Only aog ?
And yet he rarely joins the affray......!
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Thanks for those links Coobeastie, just gave me more information about preferential treatment towards some sections of the communities.

/// Chief Inspector Wayne Jones, who has been overseeing the team of around 20 |detectives investigating the fire ///

Chief Inspector and around 20 detectives no less, would an ordinary house fire, even though it was burnt to the ground, attract this amount of attention from the police?
Why wouldn't it ?
No but a church fire probably would.......
Ooooh, I'm feeling feisty today!
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./// but who do you speak to when it's the majority being singled out? ///

Exactly, because we are not encouraged to form groups and have spokespersons, because they are classed as nationalist and therefore racist.
Aren't you a member of The Women's Institute old git?
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/// And yet he rarely joins the affray......! ///

If you are referring to me, where have you been, 7,117 answers to date.
7,117 answers to date ... 7105 of them all variations on ''because, that's why''
You're last comment is so true for racist crimes. If a black person is beaten up by a white person, the criminal is strung up and everyone hates them. Yet, a couple of years ago, one of my friends brothers (white) was beaten up by some black teenagers and the police didn't care and practically laughed because they didn't think it was racist. But racism works both ways and they had an official complaint made against them and they got done with GBH in the end . . .
Least he hasn't used "end of" yet Nazzy!

Yet ;-)
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/// Aren't you a member of The Women's Institute old git? ///

/// You always have to spoil an interesting news story with a racist slur, don't you? ///

/// naz agree cant help himself.///

/// I suspect AOG you are wielding the "brown substance" spoon (again) this afternoon. Bored are we? ///

Marvellous, touch on a sensitive issue and all the snipes and insults are posted.

Obviously I step on some very delicate toes (got them off ready for the Mosque have we), don't I just love it.
Awww, sorry AOG. I didn't mean to offend you.

I like you really, you remind me of Alf Garnet :-)
"(got them off ready for the Mosque have we), "

... and you wonder why?
"If a black person is beaten up by a white person, the criminal is strung up and everyone hates them"

or not, as the case may be:
Sorry AOG, I'm not ignoring you - I WAS referring to you and, although I joined AB years ago, I'm a very infrequent visitor. REALLY impressed that you know how many answers you've given though - how on earth do you keep count?
In general, my comment is true. . . .
When one observes someone who is regularly and consistently ridiculed and treated with contempt one's first response probably isn't:

they are doing such a fine job - they must love it.

miacat, you've given 123. Click on your name.

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