tuition fees in The AnswerBank: News
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tuition fees

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chirpychirpy | 18:03 Thu 09th Dec 2010 | News
9 Answers
What per centage of the people protesting on the streets of London do you think are students affected by the tuition fees situation? And to what extent do you think the violent nature of those protests makes MPs vote against the students wishes simply to pay them back for this behaviour?
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I don't think the percentage of students is important. I'm waaaay to old to be a student, but that doesn't exclude me from being concerned about the future of our education system. I don't think it's very accurate to talk about the violent nature of the protests, but in any case for an MP to vote one way or the other out of pique would be rather childish.
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^^ Clearly in denial. :o)
I would give the MP's more credit than that, the pros and cons have to be weighed before deciding which way to vote. Like everyone else they have their own opinions but they also have insider knowledge of the budgets and constraints possibly from the advice of the Minister. I would be interested to know how Mr Clegg could support the students pre election and then withdraw his support later. Could it be that once he became co- PM and the real damage sustained after the Labour Party mismanagement was revealed, then he felt compelled to withdraw. I haven't read much about this but I think the students wlll have to put up with the decision, what percentage do you reckon will actually use this opportunity to earn money and build a career from their time spent on their chosen subject at university.
You must have been watching different scenes to everybody else Blackout.

The ironic thing is that the vast majority of the protestors are too f u cking stupid to warrant a university place.
^^ Absolutely! Just like a lot of students!
Blackout is obviously seeing other bits of news to us, i for example am seeing...


Not only is urinatating on statues unforgivable, they resorted to beating police horses, yes that'll help their cause- trying to maim an animal.

I've used this word often- but some of these "students" are scum, and quite frankly should have been shot at.
well they have to help fund expenditure somehow, where else do they expect the money to come from - public sector job cuts, cuts to the health service, defence, ......

are people forgetting about the university modernisation fund ? future students should contribute to that investment shouldn't they? - that would just be another "loan" from the tax payer. fairs fair.

university modernisaton fund: the government’s allocation of the fund:

contribute £132 million to support 10,000 extra student places in 2010-11, 8,000 full time and 2,000 part-time.

provide £20 million to encourage universities and colleges to adopt efficiencies and savings through shared services and other innovative practices.

and that cash is coming from ....most of us.
I suggest we hit the rioting students with a graduate tax as well as fees - that will pay for the policing - also next time send the dogs in as most of the students will be veggies so they wont carry on with them

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