Your description, Ankou, of this couple as “religious loons” just about sums up the attitude of people who, when faced with something they do not like or agree with, resort to simple insults. How about if people who supported gay people and their lifestyles were to be described as “homosexual loons”. Very tasty, I’m sure.
To try to be a bit more constructive, the social workers’ attitude to this couple is a little strange to say the least and the reasons for the judgement delve into speculation which is, perhaps, not appropriate. Nobody (apart from the Johns) is being discriminated against; no gay people are being ostracised or persecuted. All the judgement suggests is that IF any child that the Owens may adopt turns out to be gay its adoptive parents MIGHT not provide it with the support it needs. Too many “ifs” I fancy.
Meantime social workers will not place black children with white adoptive parents (until the effects of a recent government ruling filter down) and thousands of black children remain in need of adoption. This couple could have helped that problem, but we mustn’t have anybody “off message” (that is, with any views contrary to the ruling liberal mafia) adopting children, must we? Far better they remain in care, being passed from pillar to post.