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ixion | 17:09 Sat 12th Mar 2011 | News
56 Answers
Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan has largely survived the quake/tsunami - this demonstrates that Nuclear Power is safe...........?


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That's good to know.
described just now on ITV "as a nasty accident, but not Armegeddon"
If it's safe then why have they evacuated everyone in a 12 mile radius?
They made sure of public safety by using procedures appropriate to a worst-case scenario.
well there is radiation in the air and they are talking about releasing the little white pills - but it is not a nuclear it is serious but not a total catastrophe. Unlike that town swamped by mud from the tsunami - and they reckon 10000+ missing there.
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its actually moving away from the earth at 4 cm per year, fact
To be fair, it would have been safe had it not been for this very strong earthquake. As we are lucky (at the moment) to be in an earthquake free zone it would not apply to this country.
does anyone know what conditions occurred to cause this huge quake? What natural phenomenon came together to trigger it all?
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Wshee, if the moon hits the earth I'll shake your hand and say you told us so! Where the hell did you hear that!?
WShee 9 - Are you from Plymouth?
I've just had a quick look .. and Victor Chandler has'nt got an available bet on the collision.?
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this might spook you out http://elearn.main.nv.../images/779/77964.gif - until you realise that it does this every lunar month
WShee being as erudite as usual:

Can you tell me when I 'threatened to kick your head in' ?
Thank you
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