Before - as usual when this type of thread opens - we queue up to outdo each other with just how outraged we are - let's take a step back.
Since the Middle Ages, right through history, people have been appaled and frightened by physical deformity.
The sad fact is, such feelings, to varying degrees, last through to our 'civilised' society.
It is human nature to take a second look at anyone who has any kind of physical difference - and the apex of that reaction is the reaction of violence towards anyone we see who is 'different' from us.
That does not for one moment excuse this woman's vile behaviour, or the crass stupidity of the BBC employee - it merely hopes to add a little thought to a distrerssing incident.
So - if you are planning to post along the lines of '... scum .. . I'll pull the leaver myself ...hope the prisoners deal with her ... executed ... ugly herself ...' and so on ad infinitum, why not just save yourselves the time and trouble - it proves nothing, it soloves nothing, it just ups the aggression count in the world today, no-one needs that.