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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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why do americans say "erbs" instead of "herbs" the do not say ouses (houses) otels (hoels) appy (happy) e.t.c. so why erbs
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An attorney arrived home late, after a very tough day trying to get a stay of execution for a client who was due to be hanged for murder at midnight. His last minute plea for clemency to the governor...
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Now we have these new entrants into the british language,"Whats said in this room,stays in this room"and variations of this, also people at my work saying i am "Confused.Com" does my head in!!!!!
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What is the meaning of that phrase?
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Mardy pants !
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"Comparisons are odious" is a quote I have heard many time, but does anyone know where it is from? Not from a price comparison website obviously, it is a bit older than that!
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which well known saying is represented by these initials ? LOFLAG
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bird 29
where does the saying ' a bigger liar than tom pepper ' come from
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eg: if destruction is the noun and destroy is the verb what might the verb be for the noun tuition if there is one. Thank you
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What do you call a frenchman wearing rubber shoes? Phillippe Phillop
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To settle a bet - is it correct to say "the murderer was hung" or "the murderer was hanged"?
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what do the abbreviated sayings mean S I A T and F S D also the abbreviated christmas carol L J S S
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I know this sort of means "I saw the truth." but where does the saying come from and what is its exact meaning please?
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what does this mean and where did it come from
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where does the saying more money than you can shake a stick at come from ?
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To what creature does the saying 'Wise man of the forest' apply?
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kia cat
Latin translation of family motto, help please !! "Laudes Cano Heroum" Thanks
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If your boss said to you "no cure no pain" when you were trying to achieve something what do you think they mean? Thanks
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Where are these opening and finishing spoken words taken from on Johnny Cash's "When The Man Comes Around" And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder: One of the four beasts saying: "Come and see."...
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i am making a compensation claim on royal mail for losing an item i posted by 'signed for' delivery. they ask if the item has intrinsic value...... what does this mean? the item was a wax cast of a...

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