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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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What does this phrase actually mean and where does it come from? Thanks.
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I'm very intrigued by the sources of peoples user names. they are a new form of name giving such as house names and boat names and CB 'handles'. Also the fact they obviously having meaning to the...
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What same word in various conrexts can precede 'bird' 'fish' fool' 'showers' and ' trick' to make two word phrases normally hyphenated ?
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Or is that another piece of our heritage that the do-gooders will try to take away? Perhaps we should rename it Engsovietstan?
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where did the saying curiosity killed the cat come from?
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what's the best/worst joke you've ever heard? i heard the best knock knock joke the other day - knock knock, who's there, bigish, bigish who? no thanks pal.....ha ha ha
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meaning of chinese whispers
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What is the origin of the saying 'Gordon Bennett'?
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i know this seems like a strange question. but can i please have the word 'satan' in as many different languages as posible please
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Explain this please! A character said it on 'Taggart' last night and obviously it means the same as 'Is the Pope a Catholic?' - but WHY? Why would it be obvious that Dolly Parton sleeps in a bag,...
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Tidying up, came across an old quiz, with one answer missing! The clue is Fake shelter and the answer is a British city, town, place name etc. Any ideas? Cheers.
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Where does the term 'Scouse' come from when referring to people from Liverpool?
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and me and mrs AB are shopping (queueing) at Ikea ABers, what's your specialist subject??
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Waht does the word 'mojo' mean?..Some say it?s LSD-25... if it is LSD-25, then what does the 25 stand fore.
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Allen Crisp
I have been listening (again) to my collection of songs by the great Tom Lehrer and it has reminded me of a question I've always wanted answered. The subject of the song is in the Army and has been so...
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what is the meaning of kemo sabe
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If a woman is having an argument, and no one is around to hear it, would she still be right?
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colin mably
What does 'meet cute' mean?
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Where did the saying Going Commando come from?
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Where did the saying Going Commando come from?

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