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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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I am seeking a poem about land/property/real estate. It is perhaps called "I am Land" and contains wording like "I am the basis of wealth throughout the ages".
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i need help with clue 4 down puzzle no 9 pass over across or through 7 t-a-s-t thanks...
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are there any others than trekking? thanks...
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Can anyone tell me what name is given to a person who studies gravestones please?
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A woman goes to the Doctor in Glasgow, worried about her husband's temper and threatening manner. The Doc asks: "What's the problem, Janet? The woman says: "Weeell Doctor Cameron, I dinae...
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...any favourites/un-favourites from your own childhood? I was a child of the 70s and the following come to mind: "Spaz" "Mong" "Flid" (as insults) there was a regional...
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I always thought that charisma and charismatic where pronounced > Carizma and carizmatic< But on this advert the small cowboy pronounces it as it's spelt which heavily relies on the >Ch<...
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Something on the radio just made me think of this. Why is the plural of Euro, Euro and not Euros?...
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My daughter when she was very young used to recite a poem which I'm trying to find.All I can remember is In a cottage in a wood, A little old man at the window stood, When he saw a rabbit running by....
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What is the rest of the quote thats starts - keep your nose to the grindstone. Can anyone help me please?...
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Well here's a thing! I was aimlessly browsing through a nursery rhyme site that gives the history/meaning of various childrens rhymes. Came across this; Round and round the garden Little Teddy bear...
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AT 1111 4444 and money birth...
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BNTF, HIAHD, CHWH, All popular phrases or sayings... HELP
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what has many limbs,but cannot walk? Mark can throw a ball as hard as he can and it always comes back to him.Nothing and no one touches the ball except Mark.Why does the ball come back? many...
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Usually I know when to use 'this' or 'that' but which is better (or correct) in this example: A) I told him we did not have a vase, although THAT was not strictly true. B) I told him we did not have a...
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I'm looking for a specific term, that means something like neologism, or compound word all in one. But it's not a usual hyphenated compound term. It's the definition of a coined term that is refering...
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i had a photo in the mag in may i have still not recieved my cheque i have sent them 2 email's but still no joy it is now 12 week's...
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A recent cryptic clue was...get up out of bed and throw in to confusion. The answer was ..TUMBLE UP. Ive never heard of this expression before. Does it simply mean confuse?...
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h.l.a.s. completely w.i.o.t.w imminent downfall l.n.s.u. make every effort b.t.p unacceptable behaviour b.o.f. harsh initiation d.t.b.t. away from the normal b.t.h. make up...

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