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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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A man is in a hotel lobby. As he runs to the front desk, he accidentally bumps into a woman and as he does, his elbow hits her breast. They are both quite startled. The man turns to her and says,...
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AB Editor
Good evening word-wranglers, I wondered if anyone could offer me their translation/research skills. I'm looking to translate the above phrase into Anglo-saxon/Old English/Regional English. Happy to...
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Does anyone know the full poem on Trust in Friendship?. I can only remember the last two lines of a poem which was entered into an Autograph Album (How quaint ) back in the fifties, which warned of...
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Why does the phrase 'Head over heels' mean inverted or rolling over, considering that it describes the position of someone standing upright?
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Where did Fosters Poor come from? Interesting History They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery, if...
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someone who is good at spotting potential problems, thinks through things thoroughly and forsees all need, and knows how to solve the problem or how to prevent it? cheers...
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Some 15 year old girlfriends decided to meet for dinner. They discussed where to eat and finally agreed on McDonald's next to the Sea Side Restaurant because they only had $6.50 between them and Bobby...
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who where the two characters out of one of the puppet shows that kind of went "mehmhemehmhemhemhehmehmehmeh" in sync with each other..... not sure if it was that sound to be exact but they...
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While in Marks & Spencer's over the weekend, I saw a sign saying "Women's mac's half price". My wife thought that there should be an apostrophe in "mac's" as it was plural...
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Mr Zippy
Does any one know the origin of this phrase and when it was first used? I know it was used in a Renault car ad, but well before that it featured in the 1950s film Kiss Me Deadly, when it had sexual...
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As a child I remember hearing the word Demic is used to describe something broken or unfit for purpose. It may be a slang term or particular to Lancashire, UK. Can anyone tell me where the word comes...
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Answerprancer ...anyone else care to visualise a phrase/saying ?...
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I was speaking to my mate earlier, I said to him "my bum hole's really sore today, I don't know what it could be!" He said "Ring sting" I said "Why? Do you reckon he'd...
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Bernard Matthews (bless his soul) went to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Hey Bish, I've got a bootiful deal for you. I'm prepared to offer the CofE £10 million. There is a condition though, I...
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A chunk of play-dough was forced through my front door this morning, I didn't know what to make of it.
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does anyone know where the phrase "up the pole" came from as a euphemism for being pregnant? I looked on Google and found references to "up the pole" being used to describe being...
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M.D. A. L (6. 7. 2. 4.)
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What does it mean when a place is said to be "in the hundred of" another place? For example, Westerleigh Parish/Village is in the hundred of Puckle-Church.
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where does this come from? why 9 lives?
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Who is Reilly and why is his life so good?

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