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I went into the Shell gas station this morning and asked the employee for £15 worth of gas.

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Groupie | 21:54 Tue 16th Aug 2011 | Jokes
55 Answers
He farted and gave me a receipt.


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But what about the verb?
what's the verb though?
The verb is the same as the noun. I think it has a much more robust sound than the namby-pamby "botty burp".
You can't say 'I flatulenced'
I agree
I do not know why Felly is getting upset about the word fart. It was used by the likes of the great English poet Geoffrey Chaucer......and if Chaucer used it, then it is an accepted word of our rich and fetid language
True but I still don't like it.
Quite correct. A fart is not synonymous with flatulence, merely a consequence.
because DT it's not 'naice'. I don't use it either
I query your use of the word fetid in describing our language.
Oh, Mike, our language is rich with lovely dirty (of the fetid sort) words..... look at the synonyms available

1. (adj) fetid, foetid, foul, foul-smelling, funky, noisome, smelly, stinking, ill-scented
offensively malodorous
Synonyms: filthy, noisome, fetid, nauseous, revolting, nauseating, marked-up, foul, lousy, repellent, sickening, dirty, distasteful, offensive, cruddy, ill-scented, foetid, vile, low-down, disgustful, crappy, stinking, disgusting, afoul(ip), smelly, cheating(a), rotten, foul-smelling, loathsome, icky, wicked, yucky, unsportsmanlike, skanky, nasty, unsporting, funky, smutty, stinky, repelling, loathly, ***, fouled, queasy, repellant
Antonyms: fragrant
"icky unsportsmanlike"


"I say, Bertie, that last fart was a bit unsportsmanlike!"

"Quite agree, Gussie, old chap, definitely a bit icky. The man's an absolute cad, don't you know!"
Dont worry Gussie, old boy, that Bressie will have him out for a golden duck on Thursday, the loathsome gas pusher that he is, so we will be spared his presence at the wicket.

Oh, are we talking about Tendulkar or Prior by the way....?
how about 'trumping'
The problem with 'trumping' is when you're sitting at the bridge table.
Just found the word "flatus" in the dictionary, but how would you use it in a sentence?
flatus is the gasses, so you would fart flatus.
I was brought up to use words in their correct context so to call an old man an old fart was wrong but to say the old man farted was ok... two 'fluffing dogs' wrong.... two dogs 'fluffing' ok Mum drew the line at referring to a lady garden though
Flatus actually.

Break wind, windy pop, trouser cough, tear off a strip, drop your guts, launch an air biscuit.

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I went into the Shell gas station this morning and asked the employee for £15 worth of gas.

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