Picture in Signature in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Picture in Signature

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EvianBaby | 10:48 Tue 28th Feb 2012 | Technology
4 Answers
I've created a signature that is included automatically on all new e-mails and it contains a couple of logos in jpeg format.

When I open a new e-mail the logo's come out quite big so I need to shrink them down but I can only do this within the e-mail, I can't seem to change the size of the logos in the 'signature' set up.

Is there a way to change it so they come up at the required size every time or do I will I just have to keep amending it on each new e-mail?

Using word (2007 I think).
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Is the original jpeg the right size? If not, just use a picture editing program to resize it, then use the correctly sized jpeg on the signature.
Question Author
Thanks. Is there a particular programme best to use?
You could use Paint.net, it's free and you can download it here:

Question Author
Thanks KG, will give it a whirl tomorrow.

Like your av by the way.

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