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The End. No More.

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Jemisa | 23:06 Wed 22nd Aug 2012 | Jokes
60 Answers
Although this is not a joke I thought I'd put it here for joke fans to see.
From now on I am abstaining from contributing any more jokes.
I have found of late certain people have spoilt the fun of others by making things awkward resulting in my jokes being pulled by the Ed.

Well no more.



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For goodness sake, this is a forum - predominantly adult. There is a joke section provided for just that. Yes, there will no doubt be a minority of users on AnswerBank who fall into the prudish, the political correct, the critical, the downright rude and the petty, just waiting to pounce. Such a sorry few; 'Leg Ends' in their own sad time - skulking in the corners...
22:12 Thu 23rd Aug 2012
Please, please, please don't stop posting your jokes, Jem.

While I might occasionally rib you with comments about the 'groan level', I really do appreciate your contributions!
Shame, I'll miss your mirth.

And better get Ed a sense-of-humour implant.
oh no.

i look forward to you bringing a smile to my face.

i cannot believe someone has made you uncomfortable.
shame on them!
I called one of your jokes racist, because it was.
Funny jokes are funny. Try them.
Jem. It`s happening to others. Fight back if you can. x
You had a racist 'joke' removed , get over it.
Ok this is a bit weird now.
I thought Jemisa's joke was rightly pulled.
Does this make me one of them? and anyway...who or what are them?
For the record, Jem, I've only ever removed a few jokes from here. None of them were posted by you.

Come on, make us laugh (or even groan!) again! PLEASE!!!
Buenchico are you a Mod here?
If so why are you pleading with someone who is moaning about a blatantly racist "joke" being published here?
I read the jokes section a lot, but rarely comment. I didn't report Jem's joke but I totally see why it was removed.
Carry on jem don't take it to heart we would miss your jokes
Surely just because a joke is reported doesn't mean it would automatically get pulled? The Ed must have agreed to pull it.
You know Jem, I tried to think of something to make you feel better, but actually, pick better jokes and we'll all be happy.
I don't want to see you disappear either.
I posted a dodgy joke the other week - I just thought it was funny and didn't really think about it. It wasn't until mamya pointed out that it was a bit non-PC that I realised and asked the ed to zap it.

But then I am not known for my good judgement

Keep posting your jokes Jemisa
Jemisa, not everyone has the same sense of humour and the Ed is just doing his job as he sees it, viz edit. I usually look in the jokes section but didn't see the alleged racist joke so I can't comment. However, change your mind and keep posting. Here's one which will no doubt get criticised;
"a baby seal walks into a club....."
If the two men in a boat gag was deemed racist and offended anybody then god help us
It was deemed racist ELVIS.
More like heaven help us from fanatics like you.
Best news for ages. Please tell us which site you will now be posting on so I'll know which sites to avoid !
-- answer removed --
if this is a joke - not funny.

i like reading your contributions.
My jokes are rubbish,do I care if nobody laughs,do I !!!!!

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