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National sound check day

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Mattk | 12:07 Tue 20th Nov 2012 | Jokes
7 Answers
This may be an oldie but here goes....
12th December has been declared national sound check day......

1-2 1-2 1-2.


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Oh well remembered - and it's my son's birthday - must tell him.
i must remember this and post it on FB on 12th Dec and pawn it off as my own work!
Of course there was the guy who sound checked and decided to form his own rock band. Trouble was his songs never really got going. All together now..a one, a two, a one two one two
Had to think a bit (but that's good for you isn't it) but realised what it was eventually. (Duh) Very clever Mattk.
A good one, had to think for a minute though.
No, that is not an old one. I have not heard it before.

Isn't it the end of the world soon after then?
Cant use it next year as it will be

1-2 1-2 1-3

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National sound check day

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