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marval | 16:45 Mon 10th Dec 2012 | Jokes
7 Answers
A distraught man went to a psychiatrist and exclaimed, “Doctor, I believe that I am possessed by an evil spirit.”

After talking to the patient at some length, the psychiatrist said, “You do appear to have a problem. I’d like to see you again next Wednesday.”

After a second session of psychotherapy, the psychiatrist pronounced his patient completely cured.

For the next nine months, the psychiatrist sent the man a monthly statement for his professional services, but the man wouldn’t pay and refused to acknowledge the debt.

Finally, the psychiatrist took the man to court and had him repossessed.


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like it! haha
Nice one!
very good marval

entering into the spirit of it
LOL, I like it.
-- answer removed --
Good one!
ha -ha good one marval.

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