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I Took Up Archery As A Hobby

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excelsior-1 | 14:06 Sat 05th Jan 2013 | Jokes
11 Answers
but i quit ... there were too many drawbacks


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Great thread Excel, take a bow.
15:51 Sat 05th Jan 2013
It's a one you could never get the point of
Glad to see that you were a member of the inner sanctum, highly strung as they are.
That's a load of Bull!!
Excel, you really have had too many strings to your bow!
You're quilly,yew are,
excel's all a-quiver.
Why, was he shafted?
you had to take flight?
Great thread Excel, take a bow.
I've never seen that fine bird, the hobby, with a bow and arrow.

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