On Slimming Clubs in The AnswerBank: Weight Loss & Dieting
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On Slimming Clubs

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Davina61 | 12:00 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | Weight Loss & Dieting
3 Answers
Has anyone done a diet using an online slimming club? I would just like to lose around 7/10 pounds and don't really like going to meeting etc. If anyone has used them can you recommend them and also which one is the best. Thanks.
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IMO the meetings/weighings is what keeps you incentivised and so is the main reason to join. Well the advice and stuff helps too but ....

You may always join us at he Onwards & Downwards thread if you don't want to visit a club. Could help.
I head the fatlossfactor was pretty good http://tinyurl.com/bkhu6z5

Good luck
I do hope your doing well, but please jog pass the chippy... every little helps... I overporked after the new year...

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