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Ding-Dong The....

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Jemisa | 13:55 Mon 22nd Apr 2013 | Jokes
5 Answers

The crusty old managing partner finally passed away, but his firm kept receiving calls asking to speak to him. "I'm sorry, he's dead," was the standard answer.
Finally, the receptionist who fielded the calls began to realise it was always the same voice, so she asked who it was and why he kept calling.

The reply: "I used to be one of his junior assistants, and I just LOVE to hear you say it."



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good one, Jem
ok, a little odd!
Sorry, cr*p, pushing the bounderies of mediocarcry.
I've been looking on Google for "mediocarcry". I keep getting "mediocrity" instead.
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Yes Heathfield I looked it up too cos I'm ignorant of BIG words.
But Penelope (a male Penelope?) was showing offbecause the word means ...
'Not up to scratch' so 'cr@p' described it quite well.
One cannot please all the people all the time... Hey-Ho!


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Ding-Dong The....

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