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TWR | 19:03 Thu 27th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Good a Neighbour are you?


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Ask my neighbours ;-)
Excellent, i hope. My property is a bit run down, and that is being rectifed this year, as long as the rain stays off, but i do everything i can to be a good neighbour, we feed next doors tortoise when they are away and look after the house, we cut the grass verge for several of the neighbours, we make no noise, and am as pleaseant as can be. Never fall out with neighbours, its not nice. We give them salad when we have too much in the green house, we sell them eggs at a £1 a doz from our Hens, and they bring us fish, venison and anything else going spare. nice road, i reckon.
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I am lovely - I will water your plants, look after your house on holiday, look after your cats, take your bins in, unless you chuck **** over my fence, in which case I am a harridan.
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I thought you lived in a field Eccles. Ask my neighbours ;-)
Just out of interest, what is considered to be a good neighbour?

Taking your bins in and out?

Feeding the cat?

I'm happy to be pleasant with my neighbours and do mundane things such as taking bin in/out but I don't really want to get dragged into feeding Felix at five.
Like Eccles, I'm as good as I need to be.
Pretty good i think.

Both sides will take parcels in for us when we're at work. I sneakily use my discount cards for 'em if they come into work to buy food and I also pass on Mini Boo's (decent) cast off's to the couple next door who's little one who is a couple of years younger.
One of my neighbours displayed a sign advising delivery drivers to deposit their goods with me! That is not at all neighbourly unless agreed in advance........and it wasn't!
Not very good as we love behind 7' walls and don't see the neighbours
We put each others bins out and stuff, but it's just a hi when we see each other
I'm looking after A house, the animals, the plants, the greenhouse and the garden for mine at the moment. So, I think, I'm an OK neighbour...But mine are the best and keep me in eggs, honey and loads more so it's all a bit reciprocal.
I 'm not, I'd really rather they didn't speak to me. As it is I'm polite to the people above who are nice and the chap who does the garden. I wouldn't want any of them to feed my cat when I'm away and I won't be offering to feed theirs. I have no idea why I should be on friendly terms witb people by virtue of sharing the same street.
It's OK CD, we would feel the same if we lived in the same street as you!!! ;)

Seriously, I wouldn't be so nice if I didn't genuinely get on with mine.
I hate my neighbours and they probably feel the same about me after our recent argument over them attacking my cat. The 'lady' probably didn't take kindly to me shouting that if I have to listen to her sex noises ever again I would smash her windows, I said it so loudly that most of the street must have heard. Serves her right for attacking my cat!
TBH I called the police on my back neighbour last week after she lobbed a load of **** over the fence which hit me and shattered my wine glass and then the second lot hit one of my girls. That was it.

PCSOs had a quiet word and the "chucking stuff" appears to have abated.
I get on well with my neighbours, except for one who lives a few doors away. He at one time seemed to think that I was his and his sons personal free mechanic/breakdown service, avoid him like the plague these days.
Since we married we've lived in two different locations and we have had great neighbours in both streets and would like to think our neighbours think the same of us

Who they?
Yeah, who needs them Chris, I mean youve got your cats lol.

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