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Kiwi Fruit

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Slapshot | 03:32 Mon 30th Sep 2013 | Jokes
8 Answers
Sad but true. Lads, if you get hold of a kiwi fruit in one hand, one of your nadgers in the other and close your can't tell the difference between them. I know, I've tried it.

I'm now barred from Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's!!!!!!


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I didn't grip hard - just a little test tickle.
16:43 Mon 30th Sep 2013
I tried this, and I didn't notice a vas deferens.
you'll probably find they're considerably smaller in aldis
Oh well done fred.

I reckon you can tell if you squeeze them.
I was prostate at the time, OG
I didn't grip hard - just a little test tickle.
Oops, sorry I looked in
It's a man thing, Psybbo!
Is it colder in aldi's, ael?

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