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Another Bloke Joke, Lol!

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cupid04 | 21:46 Thu 03rd Oct 2013 | Jokes
6 Answers
A man is boasting about his success with the opposite sex. 'Women can't
resist me,' he smirks. 'What's your secret?' his mate asks. 'My looks, I guess' the man says. 'When I'm naked in the bathroom, even the shower gets turned on!'


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Yep !
I'm not sure I understand this cupid :o(
Question Author
Us women aren't so vain. I can make the mirror mist up though, lol!
Give over, cupes. Bet you've steamed a few car windows up as well !.
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Cheeky git, that weren't me!

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Another Bloke Joke, Lol!

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