A gang-member was holding his 8 month old baby while his wife was in kitchen fixing lunch.
The baby murmured "mother".
The guy gets all excited and shouted to his wife, "Hey, the baby just said half a word!"
A father brought his son into the doctor because the boy had a matchbox car shoved up his nose.
All the while the doctor was trying to remove the car, the father kept saying, "I just don't know how he did it!"
Finally the doctor managed to remove the little car, and the father and son left.
A few hours later, the father came back with the matchbox shoved up his nose.
He told the doctor, "Now I know how he did it!"
A mother had been ill, and her sister called to see how she was doing.
Her ten-year-old niece answered the phone.
"Hello," she whispered.
"Hi, Honey. How's your mother doing?" she asked.
"She's sleeping," she answered, again in a whisper.
"Did she go to the doctor?"her aunt asked.
"Yes. She got some medicine," her niece said softly.
"Well, don't wake her. Just tell her I called. What are you doing, by the way?"
Again in a soft whisper, she answered, "Practicing my trumpet."