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Down The Pub.

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cupid04 | 23:07 Fri 10th Jan 2014 | Jokes
7 Answers
Ben tells his mates down the pub that he's thinking of getting his penis pierced. After a few pints his mates strip him naked and position him behind the dartboard with his willy poking through the bull's eye. Before they can get the darts from the barmaid, an elderly lady walks in . She peers short-sightedly at the dartboard and exclaims: 'Is it half past six already?'


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If the barmaid was a looker, the elderly lady would have thought it was twelve o clock, cupes !.
tonyav, have you heard of the "Brewer's Droop"?
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No lol then tonee?
He couldn't have been suffering 'Brewers Droop', Fred, it was only half past six !.
Oh by the way, cupes, LOL.
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Some pubs are open 24 hours now tone!
So they are, cupes.

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Down The Pub.

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