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Ok Maybe Not Funny But My First Attempt At Making Up A Completely New Joke

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weecalf | 08:14 Fri 21st Aug 2015 | Jokes
13 Answers
Guy walking down street with a canoe ,his neighbour say we're are you going with that .He replies "going to shoot the Rapids ".The neighbour said you won't shoot many with a canoe .would you not be better with a gun .


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He he he wee !!
Thats an old one

What's the difference between an Aussie and a canoe?

A canoe tips ;-)
There was a young lady from Crewe
Who wanted to build a canoe
When she got to the river
She found with a shiver
She hadn't used waterproof glue
Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly.

They lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it.
None of you should give up your day jobs...
^That was supposed to be something like this for you.
^ i wondered why i didn't get it :-)

An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman are captured by cannibals.

They are all tied to posts awaiting their fate when the chief comes up to them and says to them “ We are going to kill you, then skin you and make canoes out of your skins. Do you have any last requests?”

The Englishman says “Yes I would like a pint of bitter and a roast beef dinner please.”

The cannibals are quite civilised and they prepare it for him. Then they kill him, skin him and make a canoe.

The Scotsman is next and he asks for a malt whiskey and a haggis supper. The cannibals get this and then kill him.

When it’s the Irishman’s turn he asks for a pint of Guinness and a fork. Puzzled the cannibals get it for him and when they hand the fork over the Irishman snatches it off them and proceeds to violently stab himself all over with the fork.

He says “You are not going to make a canoe out of me.”
Question Author
Well known Canadian actor Canoe reeves
Well known Scottish comedian Billy Canoelly
Selma Kayak? (groan)

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Ok Maybe Not Funny But My First Attempt At Making Up A Completely New Joke

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