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My Husband

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Patsy33 | 13:08 Thu 26th Oct 2017 | Jokes
10 Answers
My husband got fired today. He was a human cannonball at a travelling circus.


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Stop clowning about!
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Who rattled your cage Volty??
Ohhh who got out of the wrong side of the lions cage then
Boom, Boom.
i assume he wasn't the right calibre for the job

I was looking through the employment section of the paper today and saw a vacancy for an acrobat at the circus.
I thought, perfect, I could do that standing on my head.
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I suppose you can spin plates at the same time?!...(Volty)
It seems he landed in the internet.
//saw a vacancy for an acrobat at the circus//
how flexible are you?
i can make tuesdays

that was a grave thing to do....

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My Husband

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