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At The Library....

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BANANASPLITS | 19:05 Thu 04th Oct 2018 | Jokes
5 Answers
I went into the local library and asked,
"Have you got a book about micro penises?"
The librarian replied, "Let me see if it's in."
I said, "Yes that's the one!"


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When I go to the phlebotomist regularly she wields her syringe and says,"Just a small prick" She has X-Ray eyes as well. :-)
I went to the library for a book on suicide but the librarian wouldn't give me it saying "You might not bring it back."
I went to the library for a book "How to be Assertive" but I couldn't get the librarian to listen to me.
A man walks into a library and asks for a book on tides.
The librarian says, "I'm sorry sir, that's just gone out."

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At The Library....

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