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BANANASPLITS | 12:34 Tue 20th Nov 2018 | Jokes
8 Answers
best time to go to the dentist is tooth hurty in the afternoon !
you'll be ok mallyh xx soon be over


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lol ,hope so xx
I'm sure Mallyh knows the drill...x
oooooh !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Mallyh...
Just lie back and think of England....x
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you'll soon have had your fill
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Mallyh said to the dentist "I don't know what's worst having a root canal or having a baby"
Dentist said " make your mind up I'll adjust the seat"
What is a dentist’s favourite movie?

“Plaque to the Future.”

What did the judge say to the dentist?

“Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth?”

Why did the king go to the dentist?

To get his teeth crowned.

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