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My Partner

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Patsy33 | 22:07 Thu 21st Mar 2019 | Jokes
35 Answers
My partner said if I take one more photo of her, she was leaving me. That's when I snapped!....


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You should appeal to her better nature. Tell her that you pressing the shutter release was just a reflex action. I'm sure she loves you to infinity and beyond. By the way, i've seen her and she definitely doesn't want blowing up (as was suggested earlier), she's enlarged enough as it is. She certainly fills her frame.
00:32 Fri 22nd Mar 2019
Blimey, over in a flash.
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I wish I could shutter up!..
Don't leave yourself open to exposure though.
Relax now. Just take a big sepia your whiskey.
Now don't be negative.

Flash git! :-)
Things are DEVELOPING way too quickly. You need to STOP being NEGATIVE before you end up in a real FIX. If not, i can only PROJECT loneliness for you.
Nothing is quite black and white in the world. You should focus on other pleasures. Tell her to cheer up and smile with a cheese sandwich.
I wish someone would put an f(ing)-stop to this thread.
She left you quick ASA flash.
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I asked her to come back, so I could enlarge on the subject..
Hey, we're on a positive slide here.
Think you've been framed.
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I'd like to have her blown up...
Well if she wasn't so snappy it needn't have blown up in the first place.
Now is your chance to zoom upstairs and pack her bags.
If your relationship needs some investigating you could always give that great American detective Kodak a call.
Oh no you’ve been shopped?
I am sure it will pan out eventually .

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