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Khandro | 06:49 Tue 16th Apr 2019 | Jokes
8 Answers
Once, at 7 in the morning, I had to confront a rogue elephant in my pyjamas ;
how he got into them I shall never know.


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Please address all questions about rogue elephants to the President of the EU council.
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///Please address all questions about rogue elephants to the President of the EU council.///

. . . and all questions about White Elephants to UKIP.
My wife had to open the door in her pyjamas - which was rather a strange place to have a door.
If you were minus your pyjamas did the elephant say, ' Hey that's cute but can you breath through it?'
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This morning I came downstairs and there was a tap on my front door;
my plumber has a strange sense of humour
This guy told it better:

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