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marval | 13:32 Sun 18th Aug 2019 | Jokes
8 Answers
I think Ladies make better wallpaper hangers than Men.

The best lady wallpaper hanger I ever saw was Anna Glypta.


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She left a load of lumps in the surface :-(
I've stripped Anna Glypta on more than a few occasions. No too mention her friend Vi Nyl:-)
Spoilt my own joke. Should read, "Not to mention her friend Vi Nyl:-)"
Isn't that what you said , ken ?
Nah, Lynne Crusta was much better.
Yes Baz but i missed the 't' off not and spelt to with an extra circle:-//
should have seen her Cornish friend, 'Pastie' - she uses her tongue and nipples to hang the paper.

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