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The Final Word

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Rondy | 09:39 Thu 07th Jan 2021 | Jokes
4 Answers
The other day, my wife and I got into some petty argument. (I say it was petty. She would have said it was Armageddon.) As is our nature, neither of us would admit the possibility that we might be wrong.
To her credit, my wife finally said, 'Look. I'll tell you what. I'll admit I'm wrong if you admit I was right.'
'Fine.' I said.
She took a deep breath, looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm wrong.'
I grinned and replied, 'You're right.'


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Very clever :-D
Lol :-)
If I agree with you then were both wrong
Ah but two wongs don't make a takeaway

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The Final Word

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