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Liz Truss

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Rondy | 15:21 Fri 07th Oct 2022 | Jokes
7 Answers
A Doctor and his patient were discussing Liz Truss winning the PM vote.

Patient: "She's a Post Turtle!"
Doctor: "What do you mean?"
Patient: "Well, You know when you're driving down the road and all of a sudden you see a turtle on top of a fence post?
Well that's Liz Truss...She didn't get up there by herself, She doesn't belong up there, She doesn't know what to do up there and you have to ask yourself, "What idiots got her up there in the first place!!"


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TTT won’t appreciate this post, being someone who admitted to voting for her in the Tory leadership election.
Yeah, but look at the options he had. The MPs had already done the damage.
//Yeah, but look at the options he had. The MPs had already done the damage.//

Don’t forget though, he wasn’t compelled to vote, he had a choice not to.
To be fair to TTT, having announced his new heroine and adopted her image as his avatar; even before the election result was announced he seemed to have had buyer’s remorse, and reverted his avatar back to that of some grinning buffoon.
To be fair to TTT none of you should be having a go at him here. The OP has posted a joke. That doesn't invite a free for all for people to criticise another AB for his political views.
//To be fair to TTT, having announced his new heroine and adopted her image as his avatar; even before the election result was announced he seemed to have had buyer’s remorse, and reverted his avatar back to that of some grinning buffoon.//

Reality dawned? The ultimate flip-flopper….
In my view, anyone stupid enough to vote for Liz Truss deserves all the ridicule they get.

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