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Canary42 | 21:29 Tue 25th Oct 2022 | Jokes
2 Answers
A question for the Tory Abers.

A short while ago you were proclaiming vociferously that Boris Johnson was the best person to lead the Tory Party.

A bit later you were proclaiming vociferously that Liz Truss was the best person to lead the Tory Party.

A bit later still you were proclaiming vociferously that Jeremy Hunt was the best person to lead the Tory Party.

A bit later still you were proclaiming vociferously that Boris Johnson was the best person to lead the Tory Party.

A bit later still you were proclaiming vociferously that Rishi Sunak was the best person to lead the Tory Party.

Who's next on your list ? Michael Gove perhaps?

Anyway, we look forward to the next episode of your continuing comedy act. It beats the Dad Jokes.


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Ha Ha Ha but not the forum for this one - try R&S next but then he is probably well embedded in No. 10 by now.
not so long ago TTT was proclaiming that the next PM would be a Tory. Can't fault him there! And still time for a couple more before Christmas.

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