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Lezzel | 09:08 Mon 16th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
My ex told me last night that he doesnt "think" he fancies me anymore but still thinks im extremely sexy. What the heck am I to make from that? A gentle put down?


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what did you say when he told you that?
Dose it matter if he is an ex?
Question Author
I just said - right ok - to be honest i was surprised he said that. He said before that we should just leave it and that ending it was for the best then gets all heated up again and tells me that. Talk about confusing!!
He told you he doesnt fancy you BUT does find you very sexy!!!
Hmmmm.......what planets he on!!
Tell him he aint sexy!! That will shut him up!!
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Ha ha! Maybe I should ... typical man!!!
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Your probably right - likes to keep me on a string i think!! He knows i still care bout him and even if i meet other guys its always him i compare them too. I need a wake up call !!
I agree with mdoo98 and like u said, men like to keep "contacts" on a string. He's trying to make sure that he doesnt lose your interest.

Just move on without him, then a bet he starts "fancying" you again and by that time you will have met a nice hunky young man who finds you sexy and fanciable!
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I think you could be right. He always seems to have a hold over me. "Wants his cake and eat it" springs to mind!! Trying to move on from him - hard when i still fancy him like mad!! arghghhhhhhhhh
Please tell me where I can find a nice man who finds me sexy and fanciable!! ha ha!! Do they exist??
lol - im sure they do!!

I know what u mean about trying to let go, but i suppose its just giving it time. Go out with the girls and rather than go on a man hunt, just enjoy your time being single and have a laugh with your mates - he'll soon be at the back of your mind.

And as they say you usually meet someone when you least expect it, so dont panic about being single for "x" amount of time.
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Thats what im trying to do - my liver is paying for it at the moment!!! Will keep trying and hopefully it will all work out!
Im gonna join a convent if doesnt !!!
lol lezzel.

how long ago did u2 split up?

Do u know if he is/has seen anyone else?

Have u met anyone since?
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We split up last year after nearly 4 years together. Have met up a couple of times since and keep in touch by text practically every day - sometimes we dont for a few weeks then next thing we are in touch again. Like last night, texted for about 4 hours! Yes, he as a gf and I had a bf who i met just after him but split up about 2 months ago. Part of the problem was i that i wasnt over the ex. We met up a month ago again and it was nice then he ran out on me. He texted later to say he was feeling stuff and had to go as it would have made things worse between us. He gets sarky with me when I tell him about other guys and makes me feel silly about it. Says he has a gf but god nos when he sees her as he texted me fri, sat, yesterday afternoon and all night!!! I should just move on ... i have to ... he is playing me and I know it!
Yeah he sounds like he is...

I know its easier said than done but you really do have to move on and although it probably seems impossible and you probably cant veer imagine yourself meeting someone and falling for someone like him - YOU WILL. - just give it time.

Firstly you both need to stop with the texting!!! If you havent got the will power then I think should erase his number (and all the previous texts from him).
Question Author
Have deleted his number numerous times - unfortunately I know it by heart too!! hmmm ... and he is the same ... we keep trying and never seem to manage it ... usually when one of us is out and drunk we always give each other a text! how stupid is that. I know what you are saying is true - i believe it myself. Putting into practice is another matter! ahh the joys!! Definately finding out about that convent!!!
I'm starting to think a convent is a good idea. lol.

Trust me i understand about the drunken texts/calls etc - i''m a big fan of that myself.
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Me too!! Definately the only place for me to go!!
I know the feeling about the texts/calls ... i keep saying that I wont do anything and sometimes I even dont take my phone out with me but when i get home and ive either missed a text/call the next thing im texting him again! Im gonna cut my fingers off so i cant do anything like that again!!!
Ok - so we've come to the decision that you're gonna cut your fingers off then join a convent...?

sounds reasonable to me.

Question Author
ha ha!! well maybe not then!! just have to be a good girl and try and behave!!
thanks for the advice anyway!!!
lol - its ok - i might be joining you in that convent too so sign me up!!

Hope it goes well and remember WILL POWER!! No more texting - he'll want you more if you give him a bit of a blank too!

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