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mountainboo | 00:24 Sat 08th Dec 2007 | Pregnancy
11 Answers
My ribs have been giving me a bit of grief lately. I'm also starting to feel the strain at work or even chores around the house and I'm only 24 weeks. Sorry to winge, I am very happy though, could just do without work now. I have given them my notice to commence maternity leave for middle Feb. By the way all is well with my friend, no problems as far as I know and she is happy.
A woman came into work with her 6 month old and she explained that she gave birth at 29 weeks, there was no known reason why she had such a premature birth and it got me thinking; how does the body know when it's time to give birth? Also, this may sound silly but there is no way that my baby can pull the placenta away can he? I find myself worrying about the strangest things. Hi to redcrx and psychick by the way.


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Morning mountainboo, I am not working at the moment and for the life of me cant begin to imagine how you all are managing as I am so tired. Not tired all the time but I do like a nap in the afternoon if I feel I need it and even the simplest tasks are more difficult like getting up!

I have got heartburn in the mornings, wake up with pain and feel sick, yuck. I bought one of those V shaped pillows to prop me up a bit, it seems to work initially but by the time I wake up it is no longer a V more like and L and therefore no help whatsoever.

Also I have no concept of the size of my bump (which seems to be getting bigger daily, and there was me complaining that I didnt have one!) I seem to have permanent food stains on my clothes and constantly misjudge what size I am by trying to get through spaces that just arent big enough, its quite amusing to me actually.

Not sure about premature births, and as for the baby pulling the placenta away, well I have never considered it though you have got me thinking about it now, lol.

Glad to hear all is going well with you, take care, warpig xx
Morning mountainboo and ladies... oops, I mean afternoon!

I have a week and half left at work and I definately cannot wait to finish as I have been struggling with it for a month or so now. By the time Ive taken my daughter to school, got done what needs doing, Im lucky if I get to put my feet up for half an hour before work. Im a dinnerlady at my daughters school so on my feet the whole time! I come home, grab some lunch and before I know it, its time to get my daughter. By this time Im struggling and walking up the road like Im well past 9 months lol Im very lucky in that when my boyfriend finishes work, he takes over looking after my daughter and I get to go take a nap but if I could, I would sleep all day.

Baby isnt so much kicking now as doing backflips and Im finding them painful. Having an elbow sticking out and scraping across your tummy isnt the most comfortable of things. I still find it amusing and reassuring though :)

I have just been to collect my prescription, consisting of gaviscon (for heartburn, preg-a-day ( iron tablets) and Avomine (anti sickness tablets) The female pharmacist asked if my doctor was aware I was pregnant?!? I know it is because of the Avomine tablets, but I wouldve thought the other items wouldve been a sure sign my doctor knows!
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Thanks warpig and psychick. Glad I'm not the only one feeling tired. Psychick, I think if I had to face the same things as you on a daily basis I'd have collapsed with exhaustion weeks ago. Thankfully I only work a 2 day week, even though I've been doing a bit of overtime recently, but by the end of a working day I'm completely wiped out.
Warpig, I got a wedge pillow from ebay recently and it's about as useful as a chocolate teapot. I need something like what you have.
Anyway, I'm being summond by mrmountainboo so speak again soon. Take care the both of you or should I say the four of you
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^^^^ haha warpig, Ive been spilling my food down my front for weeks now.

Hi everyone,
mountainboo, i hate that feeling when the ribs start splaying. Mine never went back to normal and stick out further than boobs lol so i hope they dont come out any more.

Im finding it hard to sleep, am so restless, baby is always in the way wherever i lie. i told little CRX that baby was kicking me earlier and he said 'babys big enough to come out now' pmsl. I hope not at 21 weeks or itll be giant by 40 weeks.

As for them pulling the placenta away, they wont have the strength but what a thought lol

as for maternity leave,whats that?? I shall take my 2 weeks that has to be taken by law and then carry on as normal. Anyone would think i was working in a paddy field :)

Hello ladies! When is your due date mountain boo? Mine is 3rd April, so not ong behind you - I think I am 23 weeks.

I am still working, I work full time 7:30am-4pm mon-fri but I have been very lucky in that, apart from tiredness I have not really had anything to complain about. I start my maternity leave 28th March, unless I feel so crappy or getso big that I want to start before then. I have achey calves and feet, and my bum bones are killing me, but not half as much as some poor peeps go through so I am lucky I know that :-)

Mini-Nat was very wriggly and kicky a few weeks ago, as I think he/ she /it had moved to the front but after GP appt this week we found that they're now at the back again so I am not really showing to anyone who doesn't know me, if that makes sense (unless I put a smock top on and push my tummy out lol). I heard their heartbeat again on Tuesday and doc said it was "nice and strong", so despite me not feeling them moving so much I know they're ok.

I'm not really a born worrier and see pregnancy and child birth as the most natural thing, so go with the odds in that my family don't have a history of difficult labours or pregnancies (only really long labours and enormous babies lol) so tend to think that I will know if something is not right and will worry about it then.

Why does my bum hurt so bad????!!!!!
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Hi red and natalie, I feel positively wimpish compared to all you full-timers. As for having 2 weeks off and then going back to work, sod that, I'm going to be milking it for as long as I can. lol. I've booked 9 months off as that is how much time my employers will pay me, but I think I'll probably go back after 4 months.
Nat, my due date is 25th March and I leave work on 11th February. I would be leaving it until almost full term like you, but given that I'm already struggling I think I'd better give myself plenty of time.
People are surprised when I say I'm 24 weeks as I think they're expecting me to say 30 weeks. So far I haven't put on any weight on my bum and surprisingly my thighs have ever so slightly become less thunderous!! I do however have a little fold of skin/fat under my boobs which I guess is to help when baby gets very big.My tummy button is no longer an inny which I find amazing to look at. I have a tattoo (which I hate but got when I was 19) that has tripled in size!!
Nat, I don't know why your bum hurts, I guess because of the extra weight.
my bum hurts too :( no idea why, it didnt happen last time!

mountainboo, take all the time off you can possibly afford to take hun. Babies change daily and youll love to be there for it.

I lucky in that work full time but little CRX is with me all the time so i see everything he does and baby will join us.
I've been googling since I posted earlier and your tailbone / bum bone / coccyx can get painful because of the ligaments in your pelvis loosening. It's most common when baby is set quite far down and back as opposed to the front, because they put extra pressure there when your pelvis is opening and in extreme cases your tail bone can snap during childbirth if baby hasn't moved by then! Agh! There was me saying I don't

MBoo, trust me, if I could afford to work less I would! I should get 6-7months off, I can get up to 12, but from month 6 it's unpaid so I can't afford not to :-(

What do you do Red? I don't know if I could face work after 2 weeks!
natalie, never google things when pregnant, its scares the hell out of you lol

I work for the family firm. Im a director but its only a small firm so i rarely get time off. I work from home via PC and phone links 3 days a week and then go and stay with my mum and dad 2 days a week and mum babysits while i work in the main office. It works out well at the moment but i am a bit nervous about managing with 2
I am sure it will be fine, it is nice that you have your mum to help out with the childcare. When they are a little bigger they will keep eachother occupied I'm sure, as well as keeping you and nan busy :-)

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