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The Dentist!!!!

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Preggie_Sam | 23:40 Wed 23rd Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Ok - well im due to go and have a tooth out next week, as im so so so so sscared there going to sedate me ( i prob spelt that wrong)

I really am so scared of even being sedated - my question is to any1 thats ever been sadated is ...

will it hurt me lol, will i be asleep - what will i feel?

please some help lol x x x x


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Hi Not-so-preggie-anymore-sam! ;O)
I got a general anaesthetic once as a child, when I had my appendix removed. I fully remember the time leading up to it, and even how I cried when they were going to put the drip in (I'm a wuss when it comes to needles! lol), but that didn't hurt. A nurse was standing near my head, and kept talking to me, and asked me to count from 10 to 1....I think I got to 3 and fell asleep! lol
So don't worry, you will be completely asleep and not feel a thing. The waking up bit is weird though, as you're very groggy. All the best! xxx
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Well you see Max - the dentist totally confussed me, coz he said

"we dont put people to sleep anymore, its to dangerous, some people fall to sleep others dont, u wont feel anything as u wont remember anything"

but everyone is telling me i will go to sleep? im so scared of feeling the pain, as they tried to pull this tooth out when i was pregnnat - and it really really hurt, they couldnt get it out!!

im confused lol and scared x
many do a sort of low-level sedation, which means you're conscious but only just - half an hour seems to go by in 5 minutes, you're vaguely aware of being talked to but can't feel anything in your mouth, and you're a bit groggy at the end (and will probably need someone to get you home).

But I don't really know if this is what your dentist does. Why not give the surgery a call and ask the receptionist? She'll know for sure.
Hi Sam look on here on the "search" site (at the bottom of this page ) and youl find lots of answers on this question

I am such a coward at the dentist but having the needle in my arm is ok- i have never remembered anything the dentist has done ...think i must of fallen asleep
Ive just tried to get a few pages for you sam but nothing comes up? hmmmm wonder whats up with the search facility ?
Ok ok, sorry! Mine happened twenty years ago, so maybe the techniques have changed. In any case, your dentist is right. Anyway, just to reassure yourself, just establish some kind of "sign" with him. If you feel anything, just tap the arm of the chair, or blink hard. I'm sure you won't need to though. xx
Preggie Sam.

I am nearly 63, I have been to dentist every 6 months since I can remember.

I have never experienced pain or discomfort.

Do not listen to peoples tales of woe. IT WILL BE OK.

I suspect it will be a local, which does not hurt. You will feel a sensation of the tooth being moved but it will not be painful.
no, max is right, some dentists still do full sedation, though it sort of sounds as if yours doesn't - what he said is confusing, as you said. But they get people asking about this sort of thing all the time (including me for 20 years until I suddenly got over my fear of needles - so it can happen!) and if you ask them they'll spell out exactly what will happen
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They tried to get it out when i was pregnant - and couldnt as its a deep tooth, it hurt like hell as i was awake and only had needles to numb it - so ive asked for a sadation, yet im still extrenmlyyyyyyy scared, so scared i dont no if i can go through with it!!

well, if it is part-sedation, and that sounds like it, then it's painless - you'll probably have some throbbing afterwards but nothing painkillers can't handle. But the procedure will be nothing to worry about - I've had it done, and you feel less wiped out afterwards than full sedation. But honest, give them a ring first thing and ask - don't sit up worrying all night!
Of course you can! You went through child birth, do you think it can really be that bad? lol Don't worry, you won't feel a thing, and it'll be over in minutes (or so guys Much better than years of trouble because you didn't have it out! xxx
Hi, Sam, lovey. Why are you scared? Is it just the idea of the possible pain? Honestly, there's nothing to be frightened of - these days it doesn't hurt at all. I used to be terrified of the dentist, then I found a really good one and since then I've been OK. I wouldn't say my current dentist is brilliant, but it still doesn't bother me when I have to go. It's all over so quickly anyway, you'll wonder what all the fuss was about, afterwards. Good luck, K xx
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jno - you say u have had this part sedation thing?? and u didnt feel them pulling the tooth?/

I cant belive how scared iam, i went through hell when they tried to get it out b4 and i dont wanna put myself through that again.... i paid �80 for this sedation so it better be painless lol
Sam wont feel or remember anything honestly... once that tooth is out next week youl wonder " why was i so scared" ?
didn't feel a thing, Sam! Like I say, a bit woozy afterwards and sore gums, which is only to be expected. I can entirely understand if you've had a bad experience - that's exactly why I got scared of them too, and started paying for sedation, so I know how you feel. Was it a back tooth maybe? They're awkward to get out because of the angle, but believe me that'll be the dentist's problem not yours.
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i really really hope so, when they tried to take it out b4 the dentist lied to me saying - u will just feel some pressue - WHAT omg it hurt likeeeeee hell, so im scared there gonna tell me i wont feel anything - when actully i will
they can't always tell, Sam - depends on the angle, how close to other teeth it is, how long the roots are - even with Xrays they can't be sure till they start pulling, so I shouldn't think he was deliberately lying to you. But the sedation means you won't care, you will barely be aware what's happening. It's like being almost asleep but not quite (though as your man said, some people may even fall asleep). So it won't matter if he has both feet on your jaw while he pulls the tooth, you won't notice.
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will you come and hold my hand? lol
I'll be with you in spirit, Sam... incidentally, do ask if you'll need to take anyone along to get you home. You'll probably be ok if it's just a walk down the road, but you probably won't be ready to drive.
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lol my dad is taking me - i wil update when its all over, its some time next week hopefully. please all pray for me thats its pain free - unlike child birth lol

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