Two ladies are enjoying a night out
whilst the husbands look after the kids.The girls have a great night and get completely bladdered.
On the way home from a club in the early hours,one of them is bursting for the toilet as they pass the cemetry. She decides to take a risk and with her friend standing guard, she goes behind a headstone.
realising she hasn't any tissues, she fumbles around in the dark and grabs a handful of leaves.
Giggling, the pair manage to stagger home.
The following day, one husband phones the other:
"My god! What were those two like last night? I had to undress the missus and put her to bed.I don't know where they'd been but her shoes were covered in mud!"
"Well we're not speaking" says the other, " I had to do the same. But when I took her knickers off, she had a card stuck to her arse saying:
"We'll never forget you, from all the lads at the fire station!"