how bad had your day been so far in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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how bad had your day been so far

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mccfluff | 10:50 Thu 11th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
1/ i had to get up and come to work
2/ found that someone had stolen �570.00 pound from the petty cash tin
3/ found out that someone has been stealing from staff
4/ baliffs appeared in one of out offices and i had to deal with that
5/ i trapped my finger in my desk drawer
6/ i really really need a wee but the plumbers are doing something and the loos are out of order

Anyone else having a bad day???

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Nowhere near as bad as that!! I have no voice again today and lots of nice things planned so am p!ssed off but your day has made mine seem a lot better!!
not as bad as yours fluff!
Hope you get it all sorted and also find the culprit

mines started with problems with relatives, could just scream at them but itd get nowhere.

Kids both STILL ill!!!

customers are messing about with orders and then want everything yesterday, but that happens all the time so Im used to it.

My next door neighbour is having an extension built and their dog hasn't stopped barking at the workmen since 8am,so i'm having to listen to hammering,drilling and a large German Shepherd barking.I hope the workmen go for lunch soon!...not as bad as your morning mccfluff but still pretty annoying.
Oh mccfluff , your day is dire ! It can only get better yes ?
Awww, are there any suspects for the theiving??

Are you on Facebook, mccfluff??
I woke up and found 'er indoors was at home today, as she has taken a days leave.
Question Author
hi all, no its not getting any better my boss hasd just had a massive go at me cos i didn't have the money in the safe, just locked in a cupboard behind me (where it has been for two years with no probs)

Hope all yours days get better

Laki - yep i'm on FB you have added me though :-) look for jesus

Mccccccflufffffff!!!!! *gasp*

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hee heee, i'm annoying my neice
mines quite good but it is only half 11
The heavy machinery (mini kubota diggers) has just arrived next door so the noise levels have gone up even more now. :-{
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that does not sound fun Daffy!

i'm out for my xmas lunch in amin, but as orginally it was planned for tomorrow and as i have the day off i wasn't going but it got changed to the 11th so i was able to go. But the others had told the resturant their menu choices and i had to do and 'add on'

whats the betting they've forgotton about me!
Gosh isn't �570.00 a lot to keep in petty cash?? My boss would absolutely kill me if I did that! Hope they find out who it was though
Question Author
it was incentive vouchers for an xmas promo! and we've narrowed it down to a security guard
Horrible to think someone you know and work with could steal from you, have had it happen to me and it's not nice. Hope your day gets better :)

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