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the meaning of "turgid waters"

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kjc0123 | 10:52 Tue 29th Mar 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
2 Answers

What is the meaning of "turgid waters" in the following sentences?

A few miles away, on the riverbank beyond Les Invalides, the bewildered driver of a twin-bed Trailor truck stood at gunpoint and watched as the captain of the Judicial Police let out a guttural roar of rage and heaved a bar of soap out into the turgid waters of the Seine.



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Turgid - from the Latin word 'turgere', meaning 'to swell' - suggests that there is more water there than you would normally expect. The suggestion here is that the River Seine is possibly about to overflow its banks.

Oh, I know that line - Da Vinci Code, right?

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the meaning of "turgid waters"

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