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Example sentences

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cas42 | 15:19 Sun 22nd Jan 2012 | Phrases & Sayings
11 Answers
Can you please give exmpales of sentences using the following words:
1) Unsubtly
2) Slackly

Thanks for any help


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Unsubtly is a very odd derivative of unsubtle to teach anyway - I can't find it in my large Collins dictionary or in any online dictionary either.
21:16 Sun 22nd Jan 2012
2 The cable hung slackly between the ship and the jetty.
The student unsubtly asked someone to do his homework for him.
Her husband unsubtly asked if she had considered any other pairs of trousers.
The husband's jaw was hanging quite slackly by the time he arrived at A&E.
Did her bum look big in those, he asked unsubtly.
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Thanks everyone for your answers - especially 'bookbinder!!!' My son can now complete his homework.
cas42 ...I think you mean some-one else has now completed his homework !
Interesting situation. To find an answer in the good old days one would reference a book. These days presumably it is ok to reference the internet, or more specifically a relevant website (in this case this one) on the internet. I'm not sure if what Cas42 and her son have done here is unacceptable....I don't think it is.
Unsubtly is a very odd derivative of unsubtle to teach anyway - I can't find it in my large Collins dictionary or in any online dictionary either.
Cas asked unsubtly for help with her sons homework.
My jaw hung slackly when I realised.
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Thanks for your comments, especially Prudie. My son had never heard of these words and could not find them in any reference books or dictionaries. To be honest I did not know how to use them in a sentence, hence the reason I used The AnswerBank. We did not use the exact sentences but changed them to suit my son.

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