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emmie | 08:01 Tue 01st May 2012 | Phrases & Sayings
52 Answers
Any you know that are funny, real ones, made up, none too rude please.
A bit of light relief on a truly appalling day, weather wise.


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And p.i.c.n.i.c.

Problem in Chair not in computer.
I remember ADIDAS when we were young - all day I dream about sex
Now my son refuses to wear GAP hoodies in case his friends call him gay and proud, which is what they say it stands for!
Also used in IT support :

PICNIC - problem in chair, not in computer

PEBCAK - problem exists between chair and keyboard
And of course the old ID 10T error.
BOBFOC - body off Baywatch face off Crimewatch
Back in the old days of mainframes and CICS (yes, I am that old) we used to refer to particularly malformed SQL as an "Ernie query" because you couldn't see the join...

British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

< no really, they are ... >
DTS Danger To Shipping (doctor's term for obese patient)
^^ Not an acronym, though...
Off topic slightly, but my favourite error messages are, from a postfix server "Something has gone horribly wrong so I'm going to kill myself" and it promptly stopped the service, and from the old BBC model B I've had the error message of "silly command".
The Windows error messages in the form of Japanese haiku are hilarious too.
I know. I thought Em might like it, all the same.

TEETH: tried everything else, try homeopathy. (Also doctor's description.)
One of my programmers accidentally left a test error message in a TP program after it had gone live.

A few weeks later a rather surprised IT Help Desk operator logged the following conversation :

User : "my computer has just told me to stop being an ârse"

HD : "what were you doing?"

User : "well basically I was being an ârse .."
Being that I have to live up to my avatar:- HOLLAND- Hope our love lives and
never dies!
The Woodside & North Kelvin community centre in Glasgow changed to the North Kelvin & Woodside community centre.
In the earlier days computers there used to be quite a lot of funny error messages but sadly they all seem to have gone now the platforms have had to grow up a bit. It did always make me smile when something like “file has bad magic" popped up as an error.
Appalling day weather wise? Its like a summers day here today (Essex)
Not at 9am it wasn't.
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BRA - Bosom Regulating Accessory
BA - bugger all
The 'National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck', (NIPLS), was formed in 1824. It became the RNLI 30 years later.

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